Part of our mission is to support methods of historical inquiry that cross disciplines and borders. As such, we have explored a range of themes that have brought together scholars from around the world. Often, these themes have inspired significant research and publications.
Current Theme 2024-26: Truth and Information
2022–24: Environment and Climate
2020–22: Revolutionary Change
2018–20: Law and Legalities
2016–18: Risk and Fortune
2014–16: In the Aftermath of Catastrophe
2012–14: Belief and Unbelief
2010–12: Authority and Legitimation
2008–10: Cultures and Institutions in Motion
2007–08: Fear
2005–07: Utopias and Dystopias
2003–05: Cities: Space, Society, and History
2001–03: Migration
1999–01: Conversion: Sacred and Profane
1998–99: Corruption
1996–98: Animals and Human Society
1994–96: Business, Enterprise and Culture
1992–94: Proof and Persuasion
1990–92: Colonialism, Imperialism, and the Colonial Aftermath
1988–90: Power and Responses to Power
1986–88: The Transmission of Culture
1984–86: Charity and Welfare
1982–84: War and Society
1980–82: Political Power and Ideology
1978–80: The History of the Professions
1976–78: History of the Family
1974–76: Popular Culture
1973–74: Popular Religion
1969–73: The History of Education