Dissertation Title:
The Cold Standard: The Great Winter of 1709 in European Context
Dissertation Title:
The Origins of Antiquarian Scholarship, 1204–1453
Dissertation Title:
Conceptualizing The 'Iron Cage': Bureaucracy in Modern America
Dissertation Title:
Becoming Poor: Situations of Poverty in the Early Medieval West
Dissertation Title:
Developing Consumers: A History of Wants and Needs in Postwar South America
Dissertation Title:
Diplomatic Households and the Foundations of U.S. Diplomacy, 1789–1870
Dissertation Title:
"A Prison, a Castle, a Web, a Flower: American Experiments in Family Life"
Dissertation Title:
"Dead Center: The New Democrats and the Transformation of Liberalism"
Dissertation Title:
"Science at the Nineteenth-Century École Des Beaux-Arts"
Dissertation Title:
"Monopoly Menace: The Rise and Fall of Cartel Capitalism in Western Europe, 1918-1957"
Dissertation Title:
Reawakening the Ammonites: A History of the Lost World, 1500-1900
Dissertation Title:
"Village and State in the Central European Churchbook, 1548–1945"
Dissertation Title:
"Languages of Socialism: Caste and Democracy in Postcolonial India, 1930–1960"
Dissertation Title: "Bush War: An Environmental History of Zimbabwe's Liberation"
Dissertation Title:
"“The Tottering House of the World”: The Ruralization of the Miaphysite Church in the Works of John of Ephesus (c. 507–88 C.E.)"
Dissertation Title:
"Administering Morals in the French Enlightenment: Education, Sexuality, and Authority at the Parisian Collège, 1645-1763"
Dissertation Title:
"Baghdad on the Orontes: Between Greek and Arabic Intellectual Worlds in Eleventh-Century Antioch"
Dissertation Title:
"Revolutionary Succession: Families, Inheritance Law, and the Social Sciences in France, 1789-1815"
Dissertation Title:
"'The Great National Work': James Otto Lewis, Thomas McKenney, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and the Visual Politics of American Empire, 1789-1871"
Dissertation Title:
"Collective Trauma and Divine Providence in Christian Late Antiquity"
Dissertation Title:
"A Sociocultural History of Violence in Twelfth-Century Byzantium"
Dissertation Title:
"Between the Palace and the Square: Political Thought and Mass Struggle in the League Against Imperialism, 1927-1937"
Dissertation Title:
"Building Blocs: Raw Materials and the Global Economy in the Age of Disequilibrium"
Dissertation Title:
"Branches of Memory: Colonialism and the Making of the Historical Imagination in Namibia and Tanzania, 1914-1969"
Dissertation Title:
"Information Transmission and the Byzantine State: Geography, Logistics, and Geopolitics, 600-1200"
Dissertation Title:
"The Other Chemists' War: The Uses, Dual Uses, and Abuses of Chemical Weapons in World War II"
Dissertation Title:
"I Once Was Lost: Between Christian and Muslim in the Crown of Aragon, 1225-1330"
Dissertation Title:
"The Amerindian Antilles, 1492-1800"
Dissertation Title:
"Beastly Encounters: Animals in Early Modern Europe"
Dissertation Title:
""I [Suffer] Unfortunately from Intellectual Hunger": The Geistkreis, Desire for Knowledge, and the Transformation of Intellectual Life in the Twentieth Century"
Dissertation Title:
"Becoming Democrats: Identity, Representation, and the Modern Democratic Coalition"
Dissertation Title:
"Building Fences, Guarding Grain: Balancing Autonomy and Authority in Late Medieval Normandy and Kent"
Dissertation Title:
"Selling Simians: Decolonization, Science, and ‘The Human’ In South Asia (1925-1984)"
Dissertation Title:
"The "Currency of the Cell": Energy Cycles and the Remaking of Metabolism, 1900 – 1970"
Dissertation Title:
"Slow Tampering: A History of Solitary Confinement"
Dissertation Title:
"Mediating Islands: Ambon Across the Ages"
Dissertation Title:
"Remapping America: The Interstate Highway System and Infrastructural Governance in the Postwar United States"
Dissertation Title:
"The Lives of the Mind: Scientific Concept and Everyday Experience from Psychophysics to Psychoanalysis"
Dissertation Title:
"Bricks and Mortar Boards: University-Building in the Settlement Empire, 1840-1920"
Dissertation Title:
"The Matter of Sanctity: Material Devotion of Beguines and Beguin Heretics in Southern France, 1200–1300"
Dissertation Title:
"'That Rose from the Sea to Astound Us': Aquatic Biology, Neurons, and the Transformation of Neurobiology, 1891-1952"
Dissertation Title:
"A Linguistic Archipelago: The Spread of European French in the Eighteenth Century"
Dissertation Title:
"Shepherding a Church in Crisis: Religious Life, Governance, and Knowledge in Early Modern Italy"
Dissertation Title:
"Mobility and Markets: Postal Transport over the Colonial Andes, 1590-1820"
Dissertation Title:
"The Post-Communist Divergence: The Transformation of Economic Governance in Russia and Poland, c. 1965-2000"
Dissertation Title:
"The Demographic State: Population, Global Biopolitics, And Decolonization In South Asia, 1947-71"
Dissertation Title:
"'The Law That We Feel Living Within Us': German Jurists and the Search for 'Life' in Modern Legal Science, 1900-1946"
Dissertation Title:
"A King’s Treasury Could Not Compare: Making Clocks Tick in Fourteenth-Century Europe"
Dissertation Title:
"Cupiditate Ducti: Corruption in The Carolingian World"
Dissertation Title:
"Islamic Reform on the Margins of Colonialism: Political Economy, Social History, and Intellectual Life at the Zaytuna Mosque-University"
Dissertation Title:
"Statism and Anarchy: The Politics of Subversion in Spain, Italy, and the Soviet Union"
Dissertation Title:
"Reunified Through Radio: Media, Technology, and Politics in Modern China 1923-1958"
Dissertation Title:
"Challenging Received Wisdom: The People of the Book and the Creation of an Islamic Tradition"
Dissertation Title:
"Peasants, Merchants, and Caliphs: Capital and Empire in Fatimid Egypt"
Dissertation Title:
"Martin Crusius (1526-1607) and the Discovery of Ottoman Greece"
Dissertation Title:
"States of Sacred Surveillance: Administration and Governance of Waqf in the Evolution of State Power and Capacity in Syria, 1920-1960"
Dissertation Title:
"Writing the Rules of Reason: Notations in Mathematical Logic, 1847–1937"
Dissertation Title:
"Resounding Voices: Native Americans and Sound Media, 1890–1970"
Dissertation Title:
"Schooling Suburbia: The Politics of School Finance in Postwar Long Island"
Dissertation Title:
"Yuppies: Young Urban Professionals and The Making of Postindustrial New York"
Dissertation Title:
"From Elephant to Bacterium: Microbial Culture Techniques and Chemical Orders of Nature, 1875 – 1946"
Dissertation Title:
"The Scramble for the World: Competition and Cooperation Between the Imperial Powers"
Dissertation Title:
"Base Towns: Everyday Life in and Around the Garrisons of Postwar Japan, 1945-1954"
Dissertation Title:
"Conversion of the Landscape: Environment and Religious Politics in an Early Modern Ottoman Town"
Dissertation Title:
"The Right-Wing Popular Front: The Far Right and the American Conservative Movement from the New Deal to the 1960s"
Dissertation Title:
"Strange Beauty: Botanical Collecting, Preservation, and Display in the Nineteenth-Century Tropics"
Dissertation Title:
"Ungovernable Winds: The Weather Sciences in South Asia, 1864-1945"
Dissertation Title:
"Writing the Thesaurus of Latinity: A Study in the History of Philological Practice"
Dissertation Title:
"Ocean Fever: Water, Trade, and the Terraqueous Pacific Northwest"
Dissertation Title:
"Airborne Colony: Culture and Politics of Aviation in India, 1910-1939"
Dissertation Title:
"The Enemies of Isolation: Rural Healthcare on the Frontiers of Empire, 1880-1920"
Dissertation Title:
"Reshaping Nations: Population Politics and Sovietization in the Polish-Soviet Borderlands, 1944-1948"
Dissertation Title:
""Art, Trade, and Mystery": African-American Artisans in Nineteenth-Century South Carolina"
Dissertation Title:
"A Campus for Mexico: Knowledge and Power in UNAM's University City"
Dissertation Title:
"'The Age of Associated Effort': Communitarian Reform at Topolobampo, Mexico, 1872-1896"
Dissertation Title:
"Willing Freedom: An American Family and the 19th-Century Landscape of Race"
Dissertation Title:
"Every Available Penny: Expectations, Education and Development in Postcolonial West Africa"
Dissertation Title:
"Ships of States: Global Shipping, the Emergency Fleet Corporation, and the Business of American Government, 1870-1930"
Dissertation Title:
"A Source of Pride, a Vision of Progress: The Homer G. Phillips Hospital of St. Louis, MO (1937-1979)"
Dissertation Title:
"A Perilous Port: Nature, Sovereignty and Development at the Edge of British India, 1860-1937"
Dissertation Title:
"The Prince and the Priors: Carthusian Monasticism and the Experience of State-Building in Angevin Provence, 1245-1385"
Dissertation Title:
"Work and the American Moral Imagination, 1865-2000"
Dissertation Title:
"Private Capital, Public Credit: Brazil, Argentina, and the Problem of Credibility in International Capital Markets, 1852-1914"
Dissertation Title:
"Schools to Satellites: Enlightening and Entertaining Village India (1908-1974)"
Dissertation Title:
"The City That Worked: Machine Politics and Urban Liberalism in Chicago, 1945-1963"
Dissertation Title:
"Corpses, Cemeteries, Commemoration: Normandy from the Liberation to the 1960s"
Dissertation Title:
"The King Cannot Be Everywhere: Royal Governance and Local Society in the Reign of Louis IX"
Dissertation Title:
"America for Humanity: Law, Liberalism, and Empire in the South Atlantic (1870-1939)"
Dissertation Title:
"Money and the American Revolution: Changing Concepts of Money and Wealth, 1765-1786"
Dissertation Title:
"Building Little Romes: Christianity, Identity, and Governance in Late Antique Gaul"
Dissertation Title:
"The Lawyers' Code: The Transformation of American Legal Practice, 1828-1938"
Dissertation Title:
"Creating American Land: A Territorial History from the Albany Plan to the U.S. Constitution"
Dissertation Title:
"Between Makassars: Site, Story, and the Transoceanic Afterlives of Shaykh Yusuf of Makassar"
Dissertation Title:
"Out of Asia: A Global History of the Scientific Search for the Origins of Humankind, 1800-1965"
Dissertation Title:
"Rhetoric, Polemic, and Narrative: The Social Life of Political Ideas in Duvalier and Early Post-Duvalier Haiti (1957-1987)"
Dissertation Title:
"Congress and the Problem of Legislative Discretion, 1790-1870"
Dissertation Title:
"The Postwar Colombian Congress: Economic Management, Women's Rights, and the Law, 1942-1957"
Dissertation Title:
"The Scientific Storytellers: How Educators, Scientists, and Actors Televised Science"
Dissertation Title:
"Crusading As a Family: A Study of the County of Champagne, 1179 to 1226"
Dissertation Title:
"Boats in a Storm: Law, Politics, and Jurisdiction in Postwar South Asia"
Dissertation Title:
"Seeing the Infant: Audiovisual Technologies and the Mind Sciences of the Child"
Dissertation Title:
"An Uncommon Standard: A Social and Intellectual History of Swahili, 1864-1925"
Dissertation Title:
"Creating the Atlantic Port Town: Surveyors, Networks, and Geographies, 1670-1763"
Outside Adviser(s):
Michael CookDissertation Title:
"The Great Armenian Flight: The Celali Revolts and the Rise of Western Armenian Society"
Dissertation Title:
The Arts Are All Her Own: How Women Artists Navigated the Revolutionary Era in Britain and France, ca. 1760-1830"
Dissertation Title:
"Dynasty, Destiny, and Disease in Early Modern European Politics"
Dissertation Title:
"Making Credit Convenient: Credit Cards and the Political Economy of Modern America"
Dissertation Title:
"The Oath of Loyalty and the Post-Carolingian Transformation, c.830-1000"
Dissertation Title:
The Way of the Idle Men: Leisure and Daily Life of Bannermen in Qing Beijing, 1750-1900
Dissertation Title:
"The Emperor's Classroom: Pedagogy and the Promise of Power in the Qing Empire, 1861-1912"
Dissertation Title:
"Plagued Bodies and Spaces: Medicine, Trade, and Death in Ottoman Egypt and Tunisia, 1705-1830 CE"
Dissertation Title:
"A Nation of Veterans: The American Legion and the Politics of Veterans' Citizenship"
Dissertation Title:
"Practicing Politics in the Revolutionary Atlantic World: Secrecy, Publicity, and the Making of Modern Democracy"
Dissertation Title:
"Founding the Federal Reserve: Narrative Institutional History and Central Banking in the United States, 1789-1955"
Dissertation Title:
"The Ascending Republic: Aeronautical Culture in France, 1860-1914"
Dissertation Title:
"Marijuana Policy in Late Twentieth-Century America: The Political Battle for Cultural Legitimacy, 1968-1996"
Outside Adviser(s):
Alessandro CarrociDissertation Title:
"Saracen Maritime Raids in the Early Medieval Central Mediterranean and Their Impact in the South Italian Terraferma (650-1050)"
Dissertation Title:
"The Word as Lived: The Practice of Orthodoxy in Early Medieval Iberia, c. 500-711"
Dissertation Title:
"The Housing Question in Buenos Aires, 1900-1925. Reformism, Technical Imagination, and Public Opinion in an Expanding Metropolis"
Dissertation Title:
"Gentlemen of the Press: Post-World War II Foreign Policy Reporting from the Washington Community"
Dissertation Title:
"Planned Democracy: Development, Citizenship, and the Practices of Planning in Independent India, c. 1947-1966"
Dissertation Title:
"La Capitale D'Hiver: Tourism, Consumer Capitalism, and Urban Transformation in Nice (1760-1860)"
Dissertation Title:
"Costly Diversity: Transformations, Networks, and Minorities in Byzantium, 976-1118"
Dissertation Title:
"An Awful Gladness: African American Experiences of Infant Death from Slavery to the Great Migration"
Dissertation Title:
"Vernacular Diplomacy in Central Europe: Statesmen and Soldiers Between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires, 1543-1593"
Dissertation Title:
"From Relief to Reconstruction to Development: Defining and Implementing Foreign Aid in Post-War Italy, 1943-1958"
Dissertation Title:
"Socialist Solidarities and Their Afterlives: Histories and Memories of Angolan and Mozambican Migrants in the German Democratic Republic, 1975-2015"
Dissertation Title:
"Garden of the Gods: Colorado Springs and the Fate of the Culture Wars"
Outside Adviser(s):
Peter LakeDissertation Title:
"The Underground Catholic Church in England, 1558-1625"; Adviser: Peter Lake
Dissertation Title:
"Magistrates and the Law: Judicial Authority and Capital Cases in the Yongzheng Era, 1722-1735"
Dissertation Title:
"German and the Language Politics of Jewish Nationalism, 1870-1939"
Dissertation Title:
"The Sons of Mars and the Heirs of Rustam: Military Ideology, Ambition, and Rebellion in South India (1746-1812)"
Dissertation Title:
"American Steamboat Gothic: Natural Histories of Commerce and Collective Action Within the Ohio River Basin, 1819-1879"
Dissertation Title:
"Distributions in Postwar Mathematics"
Dissertation Title:
"Redefining American: The Shifting Politics of Immigration Policy at the End of the Twentieth Century"
Dissertation Title:
"Persons Dwelling in the Borderland: Responsibility and Criminal Law in the Late-Nineteenth-Century British Empire"
Dissertation Title:
"Liberalism in Numbers Only: Science, Politics, and State Power in Postwar Global Fisheries Management"
Dissertation Title:
"City of Dreams, Land of Longing: Czernowitz and Bukovina at the Crossroads of Empire"
Dissertation Title:
"The Poor Always with You: Poverty in an Age of Emancipation, 1833-1879"
Dissertation Title:
"These United States: A History of the Fracturing of America"
Dissertation Title:
"Medicine on the Battlefield: the History of Military Media in Modern Japan"
Dissertation Title:
"Life and Limb: Technology, Surgery, and Bodily Loss in Early Modern Germany, 1500-1700"
Dissertation Title:
"Nominally Rational: Systematic Nomenclature and the Structure of Organic Chemistry, 1889-1940"
Dissertation Title:
"Aging in Bondage: Slavery, Debility, and the Problem of Dependency in the Old South"
Dissertation Title:
"Insurgent Diplomacy: The Internationalized Revolutions of Nicaragua and El Salvador, 1976-1992"
Dissertation Title:
"Sound, Violence, and the Period Ear in Thirteenth-Century France"
Dissertation Title:
"The Fourth Amendment, Cars, and Freedom in Twentieth-Century America"
Dissertation Title:
"The Commercial Machine: Reforming Imperial Commerce in the Spanish Atlantic, c. 1740-1808"
Dissertation Title:
"South Atlantic Corporatism: Development, Law, and Citizenship in Brazil and Portugal, 1919-1945"
Dissertation Title:
"The Rape of Tokyo: Legends of Mass Sexual Violence and Exploitation During the Occupation of Japan"
Dissertation Title:
"Mutiny's Bounty: Anthropologists, Pitcairn Islanders, and the Making of a Natural Laboratory on the Edge of Britain's South Seas Empire"
Dissertation Title:
"Knowing Islam: The Entangled History of Western Academia and Modern Islamic Thought"
Dissertation Title:
"Quarantine, Contagion, and Imaginative Geography in the British Mediterranean World, 1780-1870"
Dissertation Title:
"A Method Only: The Evolving Meaning of Science in the United States, 1830-1910"
Dissertation Title:
"The Latin American Experience with Development: Social Sciences, Economic Policies, and the Making of a Global Order, 1944-1971"
Dissertation Title:
"Being Urban: Space, Community, and Everyday Life in Colonial Calcutta (1800-1930)"
Dissertation Title:
"'A Fable like a Historic': Literary Politics in Early Stuart Britain, 1603-1642"
Dissertation Title:
A "Model" System: Race, Education, and Politics in the Nation's Capital, 1932-1972
Dissertation Title:
“Felonious Transactions: Slave Economies and Localized Law in South Carolina, 1787-1860”
Dissertation Title:
"Praying for Deliverance: Childbirth and the Cult of the Saints in the Late Medieval Mediterranean"
Dissertation Title:
"Feathers, Fertilizer and States of Nature: Uses of Albatrosses in the US-Japan Borderlands"
Dissertation Title:
"Police Matters: Law and Everyday Life in Rural Madras, c.1900-1960"
Dissertation Title:
"Dissecting the Inner Life: Body and Soul, Medicine and Metaphor in the Carolingian Era"
Dissertation Title:
"Languages, Knowledge, and Empire in the Early Modern Iberian World (1492-1650)"
Dissertation Title:
"The Bombay Radicals and the Left in Colonial India"