Professional Development Resources


The history department has compiled some sample materials collected from graduate students and alumni. You can access those materials with the password provided by the Department. If you need the password or want to share your own materials, email Lee Horinko at [email protected].


Students who have successfully passed the General Examination and have advanced to Ph.D. candidacy are eligible to teach undergraduate precepts. Each semester, the Department Manager will circulate a list of courses for which Assistants-in-Instruction ("AIs" or "preceptors") are needed, and students should reply to indicate their interest in teaching. More information about Teaching AI program.

Graduate History Association (GHA)

The GHA coordinates several professional development events throughout the academic year. Contact the GHA Professional Development representative with any suggestions for sessions or programs that you would like to see in the department.

Interview Preparation

Students who are on the job market and wish to practice for an interview by doing a mock job talk are invited to contact the Graduate Assistant for arrangements, including room reservations, announcements, and media/technology. Seminar rooms in Dickinson may be reserved for Skype or phone interviews. Career Services also has a number of conference rooms available for reservation for this purpose.

Around the University

Career Center

Princeton’s Career Center offers specialized support for its graduate students to find a career path that suits their interests and aspirations, create materials for the job market, meet future employers/colleagues, and prepare for interviews. The offer advising sessions, professional development materials, and professional development events.

Sign up for the Grad Career Development Newsletter to learn about events, resources and job opportunities both inside and outside academia.


The Graduate School Dean’s office is home to GradFUTURES, a hub connecting graduate students to hands on professional development experience through internships and externships, paring students with alumni mentors, advising students on navigating graduate education and the job market as well as learning more about preparing and navigating the job market through GradFUTURES’ numerous workshops, learning cohort and events. In addition to the variety of opportunities GradFUTURES offers, they have also compiled this list of General Resources.

Find out more about GradFUTURES programs:

McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning

McGraw Center for Teaching & Learning offers extensive programs and services for graduate students and postdoctoral associates related to their development as both scholars and teachers. Programs are based on current research on effective teaching, adult learning, mentoring, and well-being and are led by trained graduate student fellows or by our professional staff.

Find out more about:

Princeton Writing Program

The Princeton Writing Program offers support to Graduate Students & Postdocs offering consultations on writing projects and sustained support or instruction.

Find out more about:

External Resources

American Historical Association (AHA)

The American Historical Association is the national organization for historians and history programs. They provide a variety of materials for members and non-members related to professional development, career resources, professional life, and career diversity. Additionally, they have compiled resources for Job Candidates, Preparing for the Job Market, and Data on the History Profession. Finally, the AHA has a mentoring program for graduate students and recent PhDs interested in careers beyond the professoriate.

Organization for American Historians (OAH)

The Organization for American Historians offers career resource materials for Historians looking for positions in American History. However, some of their materials area accessible only to members.


Imagine PhD is a free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Imagine PhD is designed to meet this need by allowing users to assess their career-related skills, interests, and values and to explore careers appropriate to their disciplines. The tool includes a goal setting application that enables users to map out next steps for career and professional development to achieve their goals.