- Richard AndersonAffiliationMoravian University
- Katherine TurkAffiliationUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Exploring Public Histories of Women & Gender on Campus"
Richard Anderson, Moravian University
Katherine Turk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Location: 211 Dickinson Hall & Zoom
This workshop will be offered in hybrid format both on Zoom and in-person. Registration is only required for those who plan on attending via Zoom.
Zoom Registration (Please Note: If attending virtually the organizers request that cameras be turned on.)
We kindly ask that all in-person attendees follow the current University Covid-19 guidelines.
Katherine Turk, faculty instructor for "Climbing the Hill: Women in the History of UNC," and Richard Anderson (G18), co-founder of the UNOW & Then oral history project in Princeton, will discuss what they learn from exploring histories of women and gender on university campuses through public history projects.
Co-Sponsored by:
Effron Center for the Study of America