“Qotzuñi: People of the Lake” was part of his senior thesis work.
Recent History grads discuss their journeys at Princeton and beyond.
He was a specialist in modern European history with an emphasis on intellectual and cultural history, and he retired from the faculty on July 1, 2019.
The fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities will support her project, "Conjured States: Witchcraft and Politics in Western India, 1750–1900."
New books are out or forthcoming by Michael D. Gordin and Julian Zelizer.
Divya Cherian's book received honorable mentions from the Social Science History Association and the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians.
The Kluge Center brings the world's top scholars and thinkers to the Library of Congress to conduct research and interact with policymakers and the public.
The Marshall Scholarship allows "intellectually distinguished young Americans, their country’s future leaders" to study at the U.K. institution of their choice.
The Koren Prize recognizes outstanding departmental work during the junior year.
Natasha Wheatley's book received an honorable mention for the Jervis-Schroeder Best Book Award and the Morris D. Forkosch Book Prize.
The Carter Kim Combe (’74) History Prize recognizes the best second-semester junior research paper.
The Barry Prize for Distinguished Intellectual Achievement is the American Academy of Sciences and Letters’ premier recognition of excellence in scholarship.
The award honors authors who have made remarkable contributions to Silk Road Studies.
Elizabeth Ellis's book was recognized with the Donald L. Fixico Award and the John C. Ewers Award.
Nick Barone, Jonathon Catlin *23, Disha Karnad Jani *22, and Natasha Wheatley participated in a roundtable, "The Return of Political Economy in Modern European Intellectual History", at the 138th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA) on January 5, 2025. Richard Calis *20 published a book.
Michael Blaakman's book was awarded a prize for the best book in the field of American legal history by an early career scholar.
Nick Barone published a review, and Min Tae Cha *23 was awarded a dissertation prize from the ASLH. Will Holub-Moorman was selected for the ASLH Graduate Student Research Colloquium, and Elena Telles Ryan and Maia Silber were awarded fellowships.
Divya Cherian was awarded the John F. Richards Prize for Merchants of Virtue: Hindus, Muslims, and Untouchables in Eighteenth-Century India. The book was also a finalist for the Best First Book in the History of Religions.
Barbara Oberg, Senior Research Historian, Emerita, passed away on September 14, 2024.
Appointed in the Department of History and the Humanities Council, Kang is a historian of gender and sexuality in modern Japan, Korea and the Asia-Pacific.