Baring, Reimitz, and Rustow Awarded Grants from The Center for Digital Humanities

July 12, 2024

The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) announced three project proposals that were awarded 2024–25 Collaborative Research Grants.

This year’s projects are “Princeton Open HTR Initiative: Creating Infrastructure for Modeling Historical Texts” (Marina Rustow, Khedouri A. Zilkha Professor of Jewish Civilization in the Near East, Professor of Near Eastern Studies and History, Director of the Geniza Lab; Helmut Reimitz, Shelby Cullom Davis ’30 Professor of European History, Professor of History; Christine Roughan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Center for Digital Humanities and Manuscript, Rare Book and Archive Studies), “Marxism’s Marx” (Edward Baring, Associate Professor of History and Human Values), and “Music Theory in the Plural” (Anna Yu Wang, Assistant Professor of Music; Jürgen Hackl, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering).

Grantees will work with a team of CDH Research Software Engineers and Project Managers to develop methods and software to aid their research. “We are excited by the focus on multilingual research questions, as well as the engagement with AI approaches,” says Jeri Wieringa (Assistant Director, CDH). “These six-month partnerships enable us to contribute to a wide variety of faculty projects while also developing more generalized methods in the areas of text reuse and large language models (LLMs).” This year’s application process prioritized projects exploring opportunities and/or limits of AI for humanities research.