Class Trip Visits D-Day Sites in Normandy

March 21, 2023

Every few years, students in history course HIS 283: War in the Modern Western World and select members of Princeton's Army ROTC are given the opportunity to visit D-Day sites in Normandy, France, over spring break. This year, Professor David A. Bell, Professor Philip Nord, and graduate student Joanna Hope Toohey are leading the excursion. The trip is made possible through generous funding from Mr. John Hurley, alumnus of the History Department and Princeton Army ROTC.

Students and ROTC members on a spring break trip to Normandy for HIS 283

Pictured (left to right): Ben Nadon, Ruxandra Iosif, Courteney Wiredu, Christopher Costantini, David Bell, Jae Yoon, Joanna Hope Toohey, William Suringa, Bradley Rindos, and Maddie Machado on the beach at Arromanches, site of the artificial harbor built to land vehicles, supplies, and men after D-Day.