Recent Accomplishments from Graduate Students and Alumni – November 2024

Nov. 7, 2024

Nicholas Barone

Nick Barone published a review of Fabrice Bensimon's Artisans Abroad: British Migrant Workers in Industrialising Europe, 1815-1870 in the Journal of British Studies.

Min Tae Cha *23

Min Tae Cha received the William Nelson Cromwell Dissertation Prize from the American Society for Legal History (ASLH) for "Constitutional Religion: Presbyterians Between the British and American Empires." In their citation, the prize committee lauded the dissertation as “an astonishingly ambitious project that seeks to refold religious ideas and practices into the history of Anglo-American constitutional thought.” Cha graduated with a Ph.D. in history in 2023 and is currently a J.D. candidate at Notre Dame Law School.

Will Holub-Moorman

Will Holub-Moorman was selected for the 2024 American Society for Legal History (ASLH) Graduate Student Research Colloquium, which brings together eight graduate students to discuss research projects with each other and ASLH-affiliated scholars. Admission to the program is highly competitive.

Elena Telles Ryan

Elena Telles Ryan received a Cromwell Fellowship, which supports early-career scholars in American legal history, from the American Society for Legal History (ASLH).

Maia Silber

Maia Silber received a Cromwell Fellowship, which supports early-career scholars in American legal history, from the American Society for Legal History (ASLH).