Recent Accomplishments from Our Graduate Students – October 2023

Oct. 6, 2023

Siobhan Barco

Siobhan Barco was awarded a Cromwell Fellowship for early-career scholars researching and writing in American legal history from the American Society for Legal History.

Joseph Bishop

Joseph Bishop won the 2023 Forum for the History of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences/Cambridge University Press Graduate Student Essay Competition for his essay, “The Nutrients of Quelling a Riot: Employing Nutrition to Curb Social Unrest during New York City’s 1917 Protests against Exorbitant Food Prices.” The committee praised the essay for "offer[ing] a cogent synthesis of the histories of nutrition, biochemistry, agriculture, and social policy through the 1917 New York City food riots."

Haris Durrani

Haris Durrani has been awarded the Association for American Historians (AHA) Fellowship in the History of Space Technology, which is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He will use his fellowship to work on his dissertation, “A Satellite for All: Law, Technology, and Empire in the Global Cold War, 1959–1968.”

He was also awarded a Cromwell Fellowship for early-career scholars researching and writing in American legal history from the American Society for Legal History.

Bennett A. Nagtegaal

Bennett A. Nagtegaal recently published "The failures of political prophecy: Ernst Kantorowicz’s wartime lectures" in Intellectual History Review.

Joseph Puchner

Joseph Puchner presented a paper titled "Canadian Confederation and Parliamentary Reform according to the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon: Creating a 'Constitution Similar in Principle'" at the 75th Conference of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI), in Rome and Naples.