Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts Welcomes Matthew Delvaux for 2021 Cohort

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the Office of Communications
Oct. 20, 2021

Four new scholars have joined the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts in this fall. The Society, established by a gift from charter trustee Lloyd Cotsen and the Humanities Council’s leadership in 1999, is an interdisciplinary community of postdoctoral fellows and Princeton faculty members that aims to bring innovative approaches to scholarship and teaching. It offers outstanding young scholars with a recent Ph.D. the opportunity to enhance their teaching and research over a period of three years.

Matthew Delvaux, lecturer in the Department of History, the Humanities Council and the Program in Humanistic Studies. At Princeton, he plans to complete his first book, “Transregional Slave Networks of the Northern Arc, 700-900 CE,” which focuses on the lives of Viking captives trafficked out of Western Europe and into the slave markets of Central Asia. His project advances textual and material approaches to reveal how marginalized people connected the medieval and Islamic worlds together during a time commonly seen as a period of divergence. Delvaux, an active-duty veteran of the U.S. Army, holds a Ph.D. in medieval history from Boston College. This fall, he is co-teaching in the yearlong, team-taught Humanities Sequence, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Western Culture I: Literature and the Arts.

He is joined by Ayah Nurridin, a historian of medicine and scientific racism; Nicolás Sánchez-Rodríguez, a scholar of 19th-century Latin American literature and culture, political economy, and money; and Daniel Tamayo, an astrophysicist whose research focuses on how planetary systems form and evolve over time.

Read more at News at Princeton.

Photo credit: Sameer A. Khan / Fotobuddy