Lee Mordechai
Shelby Cullom Davis Center Fellow, Year 2023–24
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“The Worst Year to Be Alive: Interdisciplinary Tensions, Academic Boundaries, and the Premodern Environment”
Lee Mordechai (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) is a Byzantine environmental historian who specializes in the study of past interactions between Byzantine society and its environment. Lee has worked extensively on the late antique environment, particularly on the Justinianic Plague and ensuing first plague pandemic, and on earthquakes and their effects on the late antique cities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Lee’s work has been published in journals such as Past & Present, the American Historical Review, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lee's current project at the Davis Center examines the life and afterlife of the 536 event and so-called Late Antique Little Ice Age.