Nikianna Dinenis

Graduate Student

I work on the intellectual and religious history of early modern Europe, with a focus on the Protestant Reformations in Germany and Britain. I am particularly interested in sacred reading practices; my research to date has looked at how believers across the Protestant spectrum over the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries read, interpreted, and reworked sacred texts, and understood their lives through them. Within this context, I am interested in how the practice of reading shapes people’s thoughts and actions, and the relationship between religion and social and political life. My research has also focused on women’s sacred reading and selfhood, and on the interplay between gender and religious practice and belief during the Reformations.

Before coming to Princeton, I did my undergraduate degree in History and German at UCL where I spent a year studying history at the Humboldt University; I then moved on to complete my Master’s in British and European History at Oxford. Between my Master’s and coming to Princeton I spent a year working at an education research charity in London.

Year of Study
Eighth Year
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