Tatiana Borisova is an Associate Professor of History at the National Research University Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg. In 2018-19 she was awarded a Davis Center Fellowship at Princeton University to work on her monograph entitled: ‘For my enemies, the law’: A Cultural History of Law and Justice in Russia, 1860-1905. In the book she explores several major political trials to expose the struggle between traditionalist and modern perceptions of justice. She claims that modernist technologies – namely, pistols, newspapers, and new judicial procedures – produced a highly moralizing public discourse that dramatically challenged the perceptions and practices of justice in late imperial Russia.
She holds two Ph.D. degrees in History (from St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Law (from University of Turku). She published widely on various aspects of Russian legal tradition in international legal and historical journals. Her most recent articles include: Public Meaning of the Zasulich Trial 1878: Law, Politics, and Gender (2016), The Institutional Resilience of Russian Law Through 1905–1917 Revolutions (2017) and Russia’s Legal Trajectories (2018) (with Jane Burbank). She co-edited a study The Legal Dimension in Cold-War Interactions: Some Notes from the Field (Brill, 2012). She held fellowships at Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin, New York University Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at University of Oxford, Helsinki Collegium. See further: http://www.hse.ru/org/persons/140330.