Victoria Bergbauer

Graduate Student

Victoria Bergbauer studies French and European history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her dissertation traces the fate of imprisoned adolescent boys and girls and their life beyond prison in nineteenth-century Europe. Exploring the history of juvenile criminality in a comparative frame, Victoria’s research will shed light on the international dialogue that emerged around the reintegration project of formerly incarcerated people.

After earning an undergraduate degree with First Class Honors at University College London, Victoria completed her MA research degree and thesis, entitled “La Marque de la Prison : Trajectoires des jeunes libérées en France (1830-1880)”, with distinction in Contemporary History at the Université de Paris-1, Panthéon Sorbonne.

Currently her interests focus on the relationship between disease, criminality, and architecture in French and European history. Her article, “Prosthetic Village”, appeared in e-flux journal in November 2020 and explored how the physical legacies of World War One shaped new architectural experiments. Victoria presented her research at conferences, including the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies, and conferences held at the Paris Institut d'Études Politiques and Université Paris-1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is also the co-organizer of a conference on The Architecture of Confinement which will host survivors, activists, historians, architects, designers, and artists at Princeton on April 14, 2022.

Year of Study
Sixth Year
Area of Interest
Architecture of Confinement
Childhood and Age
Criminality and Criminal Justice
Gender & Sexuality
Representations of Crime
Home Department & Other Affiliations
19th Century
20th Century