Jazmin Graves Eyssallenne

Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Dr. Jazmin Graves Eyssallenne is Assistant Professor in the African American and African Diaspora Studies Program and Lloyd Honors College at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Jazmin received her Ph.D. from the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago in 2021. Jazmin’s research centers on the Sufi devotional tradition of Muslim Sidis, Indians of African ancestry, of Gujarat and Mumbai. Her broader research interests include Islamic, particularly Sufi, traditions and literatures in India, the African diaspora in South Asia, and African diasporic religions of the Indian Ocean and Atlantic worlds. Jazmin’s research has been published in several edited volumes and journals, including Wonder in South Asia (2023) and The Routledge Handbook on Islam in Asia (2022). Jazmin co-edited the three-volume publication, Afro-South Asia in the Global African Diaspora (2020). In 2018, Jazmin was named one of the MIPAD Global Top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent Under 40 for her service project, the Ahmedabad Sidi Heritage and Educational Initiative.