Effective January 2023, the prerequisite requirement for entering the History major are one course at the 200 or 300 level, and a second course recommended (but not required).
Thematic Distribution Requirements
The thematic distribution requirements are abbreviated as follows:
- Knowledge and Belief (KB)
- Power and Conflict (PC)
- Pre-Modern, pre-1700 (PM)
- Race and Difference (RD)
While many courses carry more than one designation, a single course may satisfy only one thematic requirement. Students must take at least one course in each thematic area.
Course | Distribution Requirement | Semester Offered |
HIS 201: A History of the World | KB | |
HIS 202: The Sixties: Documentary, Youth, and the City | PC, RD | |
HIS 205: The Byzantine Empire | KB, PM | |
EAS 206/HIS 206: Medieval Asian Worlds: Korea, Japan, China, Inner and South Asia 300 CE-1700 CE | PM | |
HIS 207: History of East Asia to 1800 | PC, PM | |
HIS 208: East Asia since 1800 | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
EAS 218/HIS 209: The Origins of Japanese Culture and Civilization: A History of Japan until 1600 | PC, PM | |
HIS 210: The World of Late Antiquity | KB, PM | |
HIS 211: Europe from Antiquity to 1700 | KB, PM | |
HIS 212: Europe in the World: From 1776 to the Present Day | KB, PC | Spring 2025 |
AAS 313/HIS 213: Modern Caribbean History | RD | |
HIS 214: British Empire in World History, 1600-2000 | PC, RD | |
CLA 220/HIS 215: Slavery in the Roman World | PM | |
CLA 216/HIS 216: Archaic and Classical Greece | PM | |
CLA 217/HIS 217: The Greek World in the Hellenistic Age | PM | |
CLA 218/HIS 218: The Roman Republic | PM | |
CLA 219/HIS 219: The Roman Empire, 31 B.C. to A.D. 337 | PM | |
NES 220/HIS 220: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in the Middle Ages | KB, PM | |
NES 390/HIS 221: Medieval Cairo: A Survival Guide | PC, PM | |
HIS 222: Hellenism: The First 3000 Years | PM | |
NES 201/HIS 223 Introduction to the Middle East | PC | |
HIS 225: The Mediterranean: From Rome to Fortress Europe | PC, PM | |
AAS 326/AMS 388/HIS 226: Topics in African American Culture & Life: Black Disability Studies, Black Disability Histories | RD | |
MED 227/HIS 227: The Worlds of the Middle Ages | KB, PM | |
CLA 231/HIS 231: Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine: Bodies, Physicians, and Patients | PM | |
JDS 232/HIS 232: Hatred or Tolerance? Jews & Christians in Medieval and Early Modern Europe | KB, PM | |
ANT 333/HIS 233/AMS 432: Indigenous Health Futures: Health and Wellbeing within Native Nations | RD | |
HIS 240/RES 302/HLS 309: Modern Eastern Europe, 19th to 20th Centuries | PC | |
HIS 241: Faith and Power in the Indian Ocean Arena | KB, PC | |
NES 350/HIS 245: The Islamic World from its Emergence to the Beginnings of Westernization | PM | |
EAS 345/HIS 246: A Monster History of Japan, from Kojiki to Godzilla | PM, KB | |
HUM 248/NES 248/HIS 248: Near Eastern Humanities II: Medieval to Modern Thought and Culture | KB, PM | |
HIS 249 / AFS 249: A Global History of Modern Ethiopia: Rastafari to Haile Selassie | PC | |
HIS 250: The Mother and Father Continent: A Global History of Africa | KB, RD | |
AAS 268/HIS 268: Introduction to African American History Since Emancipation | PC, RD | |
NES 369/HIS 251: The World of the Cairo Geniza | KB, PM | |
HIS 252: Cuba: History and Revolution | RD, PC, G | Spring 2025 |
EAS 253/HIS 253: The Law in Action in Premodern Japan: A Comparative Perspective | PM | |
REL 255/HIS 255: Mapping American Religion | KB | |
AMS 361/HIS 261: Slavery, Antislavery, and the U.S. Constitution | PC | |
HIS 262: Capitalism: Origins, Alternatives, Futures | PC | |
HIS 267: The Modern Middle East | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 270: Asian American History | RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 271: Native American History | PC, RD | |
HIS 275: The “Voces de la Diáspora” Oral History Project | RD | Spring 2025 |
EAS 279/HIS 276: The Qin Dynasty and the Beginnings of Empire in China | KB | |
EGR 277/HIS 277: Technology and Society | KB | |
HIS 278: Digital, Spatial, Visual, and Oral Histories | KB | Spring 2025 |
EAS 280/HIS 279: Nomadic Empires: From the Scythian Confederation to the Mongol Conquest | PC, PM | |
HIS 280: Approaches to American History | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 281: Approaches to European History | KB, PC | |
HIS 282: A Documents-Based Approach to Asian History | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 283: War in the Modern Western World | PC | |
HUM 470/HIS 287: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities: Literature and History | KB | |
HIS 288: Attention and Modernity: Mind, Media and the Senses, 1500-2050 | KB, HOS | Spring 2025 |
NES 389/JDS 389/HIS 289/MED 389: Everyday Writing in Medieval Egypt, 600 - 1500 | KB | |
HIS 292: Science in the Modern World | KB | |
HIS 293: Science in a Global Context: 15th to 20th Century | KB, PC | |
HIS 294: Science and Medicine in the Early Modern World | KB, PM | |
HIS 295: Making America: Technology and History in the United States | KB | |
AMS 395/HIS 296: Performing the City: Race and Protest in 1960s Trenton and Princeton | PC, RD | |
STC 297/HIS 297: Transformative Questions in Biology | KB | |
HIS 298: Information Revolutions | KB | |
HIS 303: Colonial Latin America to 1810 | PC, PM | |
HIS 304: Modern Latin America since 1810 | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 306: Becoming Latino in the U.S. | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 307: The Spanish Empire | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
AMS 306/HIS 308: Commemoration, Crisis, and Revolution in the City | KB | |
EAS 409/HIS 309: The Warrior Culture of Japan | PM | |
REL 357/HIS 310: Religion and the American Revolution | KB | |
NES 316/HIS 311: Global Trade Before the Modern Period | PM | |
NES/317/HIS 312: Text and Technology: From Handwritten to Digital Formats | KB | |
HIS 314: Precolonial Africa | PM, RD | |
HIS 315: Colonial and Postcolonial Africa | PC, RD | |
HIS 316: South African History: 1497 to the Present | PC, RD | |
HIS 317: Making of Modern India and Pakistan | PC | |
HIS 319: Japan in Korea, Korea in Japan | PC, RD, G | Spring 2025 |
COM 376/HIS 320: On the Edge of Authoritarianism: Literature and Politics in the Modern Mediterranean | PC | |
EAS 321/HIS 321: Early Modern Japan | KB, PC | |
HIS 322: 20th-Century Japan | PC, RD | |
HIS 324: Early Modern China | PM, PC | |
HIS 325: China, 1850 to the Present | PC | |
CLA 326/HIS 326: Topics in Ancient History | PM | |
CLA 327/HIS 327: Topics in Ancient History and Religion: Augustus: Politics, Religion, Culture | PM | |
CLA 324/HIS 328: Classical Historians and Their Philosophies of History | PM | |
JDS 324/HIS 329: Trauma and Oral History: Giving Voice to the Unspeakable | KB, PC | |
ART 329/HIS 330: Architecture of Confinement, from the Hospice to the Era of Mass Incarceration | PC | |
EAS 326/HIS 331: Bamboo, Silk, Wood, and Paper: Ancient and Medieval Chinese Manuscripts | KB | |
HIS 332: Pre-Colonial India: Politics, Religion, and Culture in South Asia, 1000-1800 CE | PC, PM, RD | |
HIS 333: Modern Brazilian History | PC, RD | |
HUM 335/HIS 334: A Global History of Monsters | KB, RD | |
NES 437/HIS 337: The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1800 | PC, PM | |
URB 384/HIS 340: Affordable Housing in the United States | RD | |
HIS 341: Making Minorities: Modern South Asian Histories | PC, RD | |
HIS 342: Southeast Asia's Global History | KB, PC | |
HIS 343: The Formation of the Christian West | PC, PM | |
HIS 344: The Civilization of the High Middle Ages | PC, PM | |
HIS 345: The Crusades | PC, RD | |
HUM 320/HIS 346: Making Medieval Worlds: Methods and Materials | PM | |
AAS 352/HIS 347: Race and Reproduction in U.S. History | RD | |
REL 356/HIS 348: Black Religions in Slavery and Freedom | KB, RD | |
NES 338/HIS 349: The Arab-Israeli Conflict | PC | |
HIS 350: History of International Order | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 352 Democracy in Europe since 1945: The Contested History | KB, PC | |
ECS 350/HIS 354: Books and Their Readers | KB | |
HIS 358: History of the Balkans | PC | |
HIS 359: Modern Jewish History: 1750-Present | KB, RD | |
HIS 360: The Russian Empire: State, People, Nations | KB, PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 361: The United States Since 1974 | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 362: The Soviet Empire | KB, PC | |
HIS 363: The Napoleonic Wars | PC | |
HIS 364: France and Its Empire from the Renaissance to Napoleon, 1500-1815 | PC, RD | |
HIS 366: Germany Since 1806 | KB, PC | |
HIS 367: English Constitutional History | PC, PM | |
SPI 364/HIS 368: Making Post-Pandemic Worlds: Epidemic History and the Future | KB, PC | |
HIS 369: European Intellectual History in the 20th Century | KB | |
HIS 370: Britain from the American Revolution to World War II | PC | |
HIS 371: The Colonization of North America | PM, RD | |
HIS 372: Revolutionary America | PC, RD | |
HIS 373: Slavery and Democracy in the New Nation | PC, RD | |
HIS 374: History of the American West | PC | |
HIS 375: US Intellectual History: The Thinkers and Writers who Shaped America | KB | Spring 2025 |
HIS 376: The American Civil War and Reconstruction | PC, RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 377: Gilded Age and Progressive-Era United States, 1877-1920 | PC | Spring 2025 |
HUM 372/HIS 378/MED 372: World Travelers in the Middle Ages | PM | |
HIS 379: U.S. Legal History | KB, PC | |
HIS 380: U.S. Foreign Relations | PC, RD | |
URB 392/ARC 392/HIS 381: Building African Cities, Past and Present | PC | |
AAS 331/HIS 382: Beyond Tuskegee: Race and Human Subjects Research in US History | RD | |
HIS 383: The United States, 1920-1974 | PC, RD | |
HIS 384: Gender and Sexuality in Modern America | PC, RD | |
HIS 385: Historical Consciousness: An Introduction | KB | |
AAS 366/HIS 386: African American History to 1863 | RD | |
HIS 387: Data & Culture | KB, HOS | Spring 2025 |
HIS 388: Unrest and Renewal in Urban America | PC, RD | |
HIS 389: American Cultural History | KB, RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 390: Formations of Knowledge: Historical Approaches to Science, Technology, and Medicine | PC, RD | |
HIS 391: History of Contemporary Science | KB | |
HIS 392: History of Evolution | KB | |
HIS 393: Race, Drugs, and Drug Policy in America | KB, RD | |
HIS 394: History of Ecology and Environmentalism | KB | Spring 2025 |
HIS 395: History of Medicine and the Body | KB, RD | |
HIS 396: History of Biology | KB | |
HIS 397: Medicine and the Mind: A History of Psychiatry from the Asylum to Zoloft | KB, RD | |
HIS 398: The Einstein Era | KB | |
AMS 399/HIS 399: In the Groove: Technology and Music in American History, From Edison to the iPod | KB | |
HIS 401: American Women's History | PC, RD | |
HIS 402: Writing Slavery: Sources, Methods, Ethics | PC, RD | |
HIS 403: The History of Free Speech | KB, PC | |
HIS 404: The Rise of the Republican Party | PC | |
HIS 405: Native American History | PC, RD | |
HIS 406: Two Empires: Russia and the US from Franklin to Trump | PC | |
HIS 407: History Behind the Headlines: Native America in the News | RD | |
HIS 409: Women and Law in in U.S. History | RD, PC | |
HIS 410: Revolution, Violence, and Gender in Modern Arabic Literature | PC | |
HIS 411: World After Empire | PC, RD | |
HIS 412: Marx and the Marxist Method of Analysis: A Primer for All Disciplines | KB, PC | |
HIS 413: Transgression: A History of Magic | KB | |
HIS 414: Life Writings in Britain and America, 1650-1918 | KB | |
HIS 415: Revolution in the Archives | KB, PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 417: Gandhi: The Making of the Mahatma | PC | |
HIS 418: Imagined Cities | KB, PC | |
HIS 420: Desi Girl/Mother India: Gender, Sexuality, and History in Hindi Cinema | PC, RD | |
HIS 421: Venice and the Mediterranean World | PC, PM | |
AMS 342/HIS 422: Hindu, Muslim, Untouchable: Exclusion in South Asian History | RD, PM | |
HIS 423: The History of Christianity in Africa: From St. Mark to Desmond Tutu | KB, PM | |
HIS 424: The Historian as Cultural Broker: The Making and Remaking of History in the First Millennium | KB, PM | |
HIS 425: History of Political Propaganda from the French Revolution | KB, PC | |
AAS 426/HIS 426: Memory, History and the Archive | KB, RD | |
HIS 427: Being Human: A Political History | KB | |
HIS 428: Empire and Catastrophe | KB, PC | |
HIS 429: Fascism and Antifascism in Global History | KB, PC | |
HIS 430: History of the American West, 1500–1900 | RD, PC | |
HIS 431: Ukraine on Fire, 1900 to the Present | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 432: Environment and War | KB, PC | |
NES 433/HIS 433: Imperialism and Reform in the Middle East and the Balkans | PC | |
HIS 434: Revolutionary Russia | KB, PC | |
HIS 436: Socialist Cities in the 20th Century | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 437: Law After Rome | KB, PM | Spring 2025 |
HIS 438: History of Palestine/Israel | PC | |
HIS 439: China's Frontiers | PC, RD | |
HIS 440: History of the National Security State | PC | |
HIS 441: Reconstructing the Union: Law, Democracy, and Race after the American Civil War | PC, RD | |
HIS 442: Modern Mexican History | RD | |
HIS 443: Black Worldmaking: Freedom Movements Then and Now | PC, RD | |
EAS 415/HIS 444: Intellectual History of China to the Fifth Century | PM, RD | |
HIS 445: Winston Churchill, Anglo-America and the 'Special Relationship' in the Twentieth Century | PC | |
HIS 446: Political Prisons: Crime, Persecution and Incarceration in 19th Century Europe | PC | |
HIS 447: Ethnicity and History | RD | |
HIS 448: History: An Introduction to the Discipline | KB | |
HIS 449: The French Enlightenment | KB | |
HIS 450: Abolition and Fall of American Slavery: The History of Antislavery Movements and Struggles in the United States | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 452: Magic, Matter, Medicine: Science in the Medieval World | KB, PM | |
HIS 453: History of Slavery in Africa and the Middle East | RD, PC, G | Spring 2025 |
HIS 454: Afghanistan in World History: Between and Beyond Empires | KB | |
HIS 456: New Orleans at 300: Invention & Reinvention in an American City | RD | |
HIS 459: The History of Incarceration in the U.S. | PC, RD | |
HIS 460: Topics in American Legal History: 20th Century American Legal Thought | KB | Spring 2025 |
HIS 461/NES 461: History of Coffee in Africa and the Middle East | PC | |
HIS 462: Difference and Deviance in the Early Middle Ages | PM, RD | |
HIS 465: Latino Urban History | RD | |
HIS 466: California History | RD | |
SPI 466/HIS 467: Financial History | KB, PC | |
HIS 468: The History of the United States during World War II | PC, RD | |
HIS 470: World War I | PC | Spring 2025 |
HIS 471: The Political History of Civil Rights | RD | Spring 2025 |
HIS 472: Medicine and Society in China: Past and Present | KB, RD | |
HIS 473/ AFS 472/ ENV 473: Humans as Prey: An Environmental History of Human- Animal Relations | KB | Spring 2025 |
HIS 474: Cultural History of the Modern Nile Valley | KB | |
HUM 412/HIS 475: Digging for the Past: Archaeology from Ancient Greece to Modern America | KB, PM | |
ART 478/HIS 476 The Vikings: History and Archaeology | PM | |
AAS 477/HIS 477: The Civil Rights Movement | PC, RD | |
HIS 478: The Vietnam Wars | PC | |
HIS 479: Society, Politics, and Ideas in 1980s America | PC, RD | |
HIS 480: Property: How, Why, and What We Own | PC, KB | |
HIS 481: Science and Film | KB | |
FRE 480/HIS 482: The Writer, The Prince, and the Public: Political Writing in the Eighteenth-Century | PC | |
HIS 483: History of the Manchu People and Their Culture | RD | |
HIS 484: Borderlands, Border Lives | PC, RD | |
HIS 485: History of African American Families | RD | |
HIS 486: Women and War in Asia/America | RD, PC | |
HIS 487: The Age of Democratic Revolutions | PC | |
HIS 488: The Soviet Atomic, Space, and Information Ages | KB, PC | |
HIS 489: Environmental History of Latin America | PC, G | Spring 2025 |
HIS 491: Fertile Bodies: A Cultural History of Reproduction from Antiquity to the Enlightenment | PM | |
HIS 492: The Therapeutic Persuasion: Psychotherapy and American Life | KB | |
HIS 493: '1, 2, 3, Testing'... in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | KB | |
HIS 494: Broken Brains, Shattered Minds | KB, RD | |
HIS 495: Alchemy: Art and Science | KB, PM | |
HIS 496: The Science of Heaven and Hell | KB, PM | |
HIS 498: History of Pseudoscience | KB |