Spring 2024
Deadlines for the new academic year will be posted in September 2024.
This is a general JP calendar. Dates set by your JP Adviser may differ and take precedence. The spring JP topic must be in a geographical field and time period different from that of the fall JP. Any questions about this should be addressed to Professor Kruse, Director of Undergraduate Studies ([email protected])
NB: Over the course of the semester, students will also be required to submit an annotated bibliography (of primary and secondary sources), an outline, and a prospectus.
All written work submitted in the course of the semester should properly cite and attribute any ideas and information that are not the student’s own to the sources from which they have been derived. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.
The Honor Pledge should accompany each piece of work submitted: “This paper represents my own work in accordance with University regulations.”
Dates are subject to revision. Students will be notified of any changes to deadlines.